Once again, its been another long time between posts, but that doesn't mean I've been idle! In fact, its been just the opposite. Since the last post, we've shored up our summer vacation plans (an all-inclusive resort in Cancun with the kids and our best friends) that we'll be taking in July. We've got our other good friends coming up from Atlanta for Memorial Day weekend. Sophie, the puppy, is now nearly 6 months old and passed her first round of puppy training. Round two starts tonight.
And as for my running? Well, I've crossed over 102 miles for the month of April. I've been running every day at lunch, sometimes again in the evening and longer runs on the weekend (this past weekend was 7 miles). This Friday night I have a 5k and I'll run another one on Memorial Day. I've got the Columbus Marathon picture hanging on my office window to remind me to forge ahead towards beating my pathetic time from last year. Oh, yeah, and I'm down 10 lbs so far. I'd like to lose another 20 before the marathon (bringing me down into the 150 lb range, which I feel I need to be at to be a more competitive runner). I'll try to get the chance to put my last running specs in the blog.
Thanks to my good friend Kathy for emailing me and wondering why I haven't updated this thing! We all need a kick in the pants sometimes (some of us more than others!)
Here are some pictures of Sophie: