I entered Noah's room to wake him for school and this is what I found...
Why I Run
- 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Powell Spring 5k Results
7th Annual Powell Spring 5k.
This race is a nice family oriented race with lots of runners and crowd. There were lots of high school track students as well. The day was muggy, warm and windy. With a night of little rest (due to the nice storms that blew through), I wasn't sure what this race would hold. It was essentially a down and back, with wind (it seemed) in every direction. So by the way I huffed my way to the end, I was sure I'd be mad at my time. In all actuality, it wasn't that bad. Only about 17 seconds less than my Genoa Firefighters race:
Overall: 30/215
35-29 Age Group: 5/17
Time: 22:01
Posted by
7:34 AM
Labels: 5k, Race Results
Monday, May 5, 2008
Genoa Firefighter's 5k Results
Well, last Friday night I ran the Genoa Firefighter's 5k. It was cool and rainy, so the turnout was less than expected. But thats ok, it was fun. I'm not too prideful, I'll take a good personal race anytime. So ready for the results?
Overall Place: 4th/60!
Age Pace: (30 - 39): 1st!
Time: 21:44
Turned out to be pretty awesome. I thought I'd come in around 25:00. My best is 21:08 from 3 years ago and 20 pounds lighter, so I'm pretty psyched about this years race potentials. I'm going to run another 5k on Memorial Day and see if I can match my best. It'll probably be a bigger and hotter race....and I'll probably be eating and drinking leading up to it, so it might not be a well run one!
Here is a link to pictures:
And just to top it off, yesterday I ran 7 miles in 57:00 minutes. All last year as I trained for the Columbus Marathon I couldn't get 7 miles in under the 60 minute mark. Maybe there's hope to actually make the Boston Marathon this year? :) Yeah, right!
Posted by
11:21 AM
Labels: Pumped Up, Race Results
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Ok. Ok. So its been another long while between posts...but I haven't been idle!

Posted by
8:02 AM
Labels: Columbus Marathon, Long Time Gone, Running, Sophie, Vacation
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Here we go again....
It's been another month and I haven't contributed much to the blog (in fact, none at all). I've also not officially run, at least outside in a month. Part of the reason has been the addition of our puppy, Sophie. I haven't quite figured out how to sneak out of the house in the morning without waking her, which in turn wakes everyone else. Tomorrow I'm going to try it anyway. Worse comes to worse, I'll start taking her with me!
The good thing is that I've been working out at lunch time, so I have done some running/elliptical/bikes there, as well as lifting. Unfortunately, the lack of outside distance is not helping me to keep my weight down as I've jumped to my highest in years!
But we'll see what this week brings.
Posted by
6:34 PM
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Once again, I'm lax in my postings!
Once again, I'm lax in my postings! Man, it's been busy! New puppy, up and down weather, work, etc. My running has suffered due to the puppy (I don't want to get up early and wake her up and get her on that 5 am schedule!). However, I have been working out everyday at work (lifting and cardio) and I think I can tell a slight change. I'm trying to rotate the runs to the evening so at least I continue to run...that also gives Wendy the extra push to walk on the treadmill if I'm out running.
But the puppy is doing well. Ornery like most 7 week olds. Still trying to get the potty training done. But at least we have no issues in getting her to sleep at night!
I'm heading to Dallas this week for national meetings, which always poses issues when it comes to eating correctly and trying to maintain some type of exercise routine. So we'll see what those 4 days next week brings.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sophie - Our New Puppy!
Well, Friday night we picked up our new (and first) puppy, a 6 week old puppy named Sophie. I grew up with dogs and have been longing for one for a long time. After our move and one of our beloved cats passed away, it seemed like a good time. We chose a Golden Retriever because of their reputation as great family dogs, easy to train, and intelligent. That, and neighbor's on both sides of us have them, and our friends here in town now have 2. Wendy originally wanted a small dog, but we could never agree on a breed. She kept coming back to a Golden, so we decided to just take the leap. I may be a proud parent, but you can't tell me she's not cute. Take a look:
Posted by
7:57 AM
Labels: Golden Retriever, Puppy
Friday, January 18, 2008
2007 Holiday Recap
Wow. Hard to believe that I've not posted in over a month! Guess that shows how busy I've been. I'll try to be better about it in the future, but for now I'll give a recap as to how 2007 ended for me and my family.
As my previous post noted, we started and completed tiling the master bath (my finger is healed, thank-you). My sister-in-law came in from Atlanta for a full week, which is always nice (if only because she'll watch horror movies with me). Alexander,Beth and I did take in 'I Am Legend' with Will Smith and was pleasantly surprised. Got to attend the annual Christmas Eve party that my mom's side of the family has been doing for 40 years or so. Since we've lived several states away for the past 11 years or so, I never got to attend many of them. But its a special time for me as I grew up going every year to my great-grandma's house. My parents now host it, at least as long as my my great-grandma is still alive (yes, you heard me. 97 or 98 and still kicking!). Wendy and I hosted dinner for my parents, my brother, his girlfriend and their son and, of course, Beth. It was a great time and though Beth is their daughter-in-law's sister, they have a special place reserved for her in their hearts. Spent New Year's Eve with our best friends and just plain enjoyed ourselves without having to do any long distance driving for once!
And now, here we are, Friday, January 18, 2008.
Today is special, because today is the day we pick up our new (and first) golden retriever puppy, Sophie. We pick her up tonight, so I'll check in tomorrow with some updates!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Master Bath Tile Project, done!....but...not without a visit to the Urgent Care
Well, over the weekend Wendy and I spent a full 2 days tiling the master bathroom. Besides what seemed like to me a non-square room and the issues that raises, it all went rather smoothly. Especially for us home repair challenged-types. Until.....of course, the end. All I had left was to cut a 1 inch strip of carpet to bridge the gap between the bathroom marble threshold and the closet carpet (we moved the threshold forward an inch and so a bare wood floor was left). So I went down to the basement to find the remnant carpet and a razor I could cut it with. You can see where this is going, can't you? After finding the carpet, and the razor, I decided I probably could use a new SHARP razor to make things easier. I laid the carpet on the workbench and proceeded to change out the razor. Put the razor down, grabbed the decent-sized carpet piece, grabbed the razor, carpet hits razor, razor cuts into the top of the index finger between the middle and top knuckles.
You know fingers, like heads, bleed a lot?
It was pretty deep, so I decided to have the urgent care take a look and yep! Stitches needed. How cool, my first stitches since I was five! The Doctor was really nice and we had a good conversation. Of course, he did see fit to stick the lidocaine needle in and around my wound at least 10 times. All in all it was a neat thing to see. The real cool thing is that he said in 7 days I can take the stitches out if I'd like! Isn't that every boy's dream?
Anyway, so I'll tackle the carpet again today!
Also, got a 4 mile run in.
My good friend, Ted, and I are going to do our own biggest loser contest come the 1st of the year!
Posted by
8:20 AM
Labels: accident, home repair, urgent care
Sunday, December 9, 2007
4 Miles and counting...
This morning I went out for a 4 mile run and completed with no issues or pains, and even at a 8:34 pace (though I was pretty winded after). I'm starting to wonder if some of the pain issues might be that '2nd' pair of shoes. These are my old shoes that 416 miles on them. Today I used my 'new' ones - the ones I bought just before and used during the marathon - and everything seemed good. Though my previous old shoes hard nearly 500 miles on them and I didn't have any issues. I'll run in the new ones for the next few days and see what happens. All I can say is that is sure makes me happy to be able to go out in run without pains. But, in any case, I think I'll cross my fingers!
Posted by
10:23 AM
Labels: Painfree Run