In 1989, my sister passed away from injuries sustained in a car accident. I was twenty and on the verge of moving away from home. She had just turned seven.
In the future, I hope to use this blog to re-examine this tumultuous period of my life. What insights, if any, it will bring me, I cannot guess. But maybe, just maybe, it might bring some comfort and possibly a small fraction of hope to someone else that might be experiencing something similar.
I don't claim to know anything special or insightful in regards to losing a loved one or the grief that follows; I don't claim to have made it through the madness with any particular ease; I don't even claim that I (or any other person for that matter) ever gets over losing a loved one; I only claim to share my recollections about living, loving and loss.
Please keep in mind that these memories are mine and mine alone. Neither substantiated nor corrorated by anyone else that was there and close to me. They are what they are: memories from a boy on the verge of manhood, perhaps forced to grow a little too quickly, looking back down the fading path of time to that one sorrowful day.
As I embark on this journey, I'd like to remind anyone who reads this that there is hope. There is hope in Christ, first and foremost. But there is hope in within oneself and what can be overcome and accomplished; there is hope in our family and friends; there is hope in helping others; there is hope everywhere, now if we'd just open our eyes, minds, and hearts.
As I'll go into detail in another post someday, I wasn't always full of hope. I despaired. I treated others wrongly. I lacked responsibility. I lacked compassion and love. All of this I lacked, especially following my sister's death. I'm sure my close friends and family would attest to this.
It took a while, but after all these years, I hope.
I'll leave you with this quote:
Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime,
Therefore, we are saved by hope.
Nothing true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history;
Therefore, we are saved by faith.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone.
Therefore, we are saved by love.
No virtuous act is quite a virtuous from the standpoint of our friend or foe as from our own;
Therefore, we are saved by the final form of love which is forgiveness.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Why I Run
- 1 Corinthians 9:24-27
Monday, October 29, 2007
Posted by
4:27 PM
Today, October 29th, Wendy and I are sharing our 13th wedding anniversary. You know, I often hear people say that "thirteen years is a long time" or "you've been married forever" or even stuff like "how'd you do it?" A friend of mine who was going through a divorce once asked me how I got so lucky to find someone like Wendy. Actually, truth be told, I hear that all the time! I remember that I replied to my friend that there was no luck involved (at least not much), and that it was surely, if anything, that God had a plan for me and was looking out for me though I didn't deserve it. How else do you explain how she came along at the right time and in the right place and it moved quickly after that? To say I married up is an understatement.
So here we are, 13 years and two kids later and, as far as I'm concerned, still going strong. Sometimes I feel guilty because things have seemed too easy. I constantly hear people griping and moaning all the time about their marriages and wonder, "Am I supposed to complain like that?" I won't.
For me, I promise to always remember how blessed I've been and will continue to be in the future.
Happy Anniversary, Wendy!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
1st Marathon Post Run
Yesterday I got my butt up and out for a 4 mile run and it felt good, if not still a little tight and sore. Monday will be back to normal, pre-work runs. Even though the weather was warm for the marathon, Ohio is starting to fall into its more typical fall weather with lows starting to drop to 31 and the highs in the day having a hard time getting to or out of the 50s. Got my hats and gloves ready!
For those that want a great weigh to track their running workouts, the Cape Cod Athletic Club has an awesome excel spreadsheet that I've been using for years. Take a look, its called Run2007:
My wife has decided to start running, so we've got her on a 10 week startup program to running 30 minutes. She seems to be enjoying it, enough in fact that she wants to 'jump' weeks. Next on our list is to take her to Fleet Feet and have her running style tested so she can get the correct shoes.
Kinda bummed. I was looking for a Turkey Trot 5k to run in Hilton Head when we're there visiting Wendy's parents, but it doesn't look like there are any.
As for website design? Thinking about a quotes section, maybe a calendar, maybe my runnign spreadsheet. We'll see.
Posted by
8:39 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
2007 Columbus Marathon, October 21
Trey getting ready to head into the start line crowd.
The Start Line (Treys WAY back). It takes me over 3 minutes to cross the line and over 8 minutes for all the runners to cross.
Posted by
3:31 AM
Pictures from the Columbus Marathon Red Nose Fun Run
Papa and Grammy with the boys.
Posted by
2:50 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
3rd day since the Marathon and time to start thinking about the future
Ok, so today is Wednesday, officially the 3rd day since the marathon and its time to start thinking about the future.
First things first. I'm still sore, but at least I can walk up and down stairs without too much pain today. I should have taken the ice baths after the marathon, though I did have a hot soak last night that seemed to do wonders. Either way, I'm not nearly as sore as my first marathon where it felt like every bone in my feet were breaking and rubbing together everytime I walked. I'm eager to hit the pavement again, but I'll give it a few more days just to be safe. This eagerness surprises me a little, as after my first marathon I was burnt out and laid off running throughout much of the winter.
Next, I've decided that as I push ahead with the running, I've also decided to start coming into work 3 days a week to workout. My company has a small gym with 20 year old nautilus equipment, a treadmill, bike and some other odds and ends, including dumbbells that I might as well start using. I know that the cross training will help my running in the long run, as well as help me to drop down to my first marathon weight. I'd like to decrease my waist size and finally slim this little gut I've got. I feel that if I do this, my time will increase dramtically.
Or course, going hand in hand with the increasd exercise, is nutrition. I need to make sure that I begin sticking to a well-balanced nutritional plan, incorporating 6 small meals a day, including additional protein intake.
Ok, so thats the plan!
Posted by
12:34 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I finished!
Well, it's over. I finished, under my 4:00 hour goal, but nearly 15 minutes off my first marathon. But I really can't complain. I ran with a great guy for 23.5 miles (until his calf cramped). We were nearly 5-6 minutes at one point ahead of the 4:00 hour pace, but started to slowly give it back in end. The first half went fast and smooth. It was an awesome day, good crowd, good music, good family and friend support. So I didn't beat my previous, well, there's always next time. To reward myself? The Blue Ribbon Burger at Red Robin.
In the meantime, here are my stats:
Overall Place: 1652/3636 = top 45.4%
Divisional Place: 212/394 = top 53.8%
Gender Place: 1270/2310 = top 55%
Overall pace of 9:08
Maybe I'll follow tomorrow with pictures.
Posted by
7:52 PM
Race Day!
Today is it! Race Day.
So much for rest yesterday or last night for that matter. Went to bed around 11:00. Couldn't fall asleep until 11:30. Woke up at 2:00. Finally fell back asleep and woke up at 4:30. Had a bagel with some peanut butter, Powerade. Next will be a banana before heading off to the shower.
My dad and best friend, Ted are going to go down for the start with me, with my mom and Wendy bringing the kids a little later.
I'm starting in Wendy's friend's pace group going for 3:45. Let's hope that doesn't kill me! They asked and I figured that would help me to achieve my goal of keeping close to my first marathon time.
Its 54 and clear right now. Supposed to be a high of 80 or 82. Clear. Warm. Winds from 10-20, which could also slow things down.
Yesterday was the kids fun run. Both boys ran and did pretty well. Alexander I was most proud of as he probably came in within the top 10% of his age group. Very nice effort! Noah did a good job too, and did a great spring at the end.
I appreciate all the encouragement and support I've gotten over the past few weeks and hope I can turn that to positive energy when things get tough!
Well, its off to the showers!
Posted by
5:25 AM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
1 Day!
1 Day to go!
Well, today I have to pick up my race packet, check out the race expo and watch my kids run in the kids race. My parents are coming in, as is my best friend Ted and his kids. Also, the Ohio State game is at 3:30, then meeting some of Wendy's friends for a dinner at Bucca Di Beppo. All in all, busier than it should be, but I won't do too much running myself.
Unfortunately, I didn't sleep well last night. I guess the anxiety and excitement is kicking in. I can only imagine what tonight will bring and how much actual sleep I manage. Oh, well, there' always tomorrow night!
For the first time, the Columbus Marathon has the ability to track the individual runner's times. Here's the link:
Just type in my name and bib number: 3355
Ok. Time for breakfast!
Posted by
8:07 AM
Friday, October 19, 2007
2 Days to go!
Ok, it's Friday and its ony 2 days until the Marathon. No run today and I took the day off work to spend with the family, maybe do some 'fall' stuff. Got to make sure to continue taking in the fluids and electrolytes and extra carbs.
Last night, I played more during the flag football game than I wanted to, so I hope I didn't expend too much of my 'stores' during the game. I also took a few dives, which, of course, was dumb. Nothing like trying to hurt myself before the marathon!
Anyway, I hope to maybe get a short rollarblade in this evening, but no more of a workout than that.
Posted by
8:37 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
3 days out...
Thursday morning.
October 18, 2007.
3 days until the Columbus Marathon.
This morning's run, for my usual 4 miles, was my last 'official' run before Sunday's race. The pace was about 20-30 seconds behind my goal pace of around 8:20.
I may do a light walk or even rollarblade on Friday or Saturday. Today's weather was breezy with a warm temperature of 66 degrees...probably similar to Sunday, but hopefully not as humid or else it might be a long race (at least longer than my estimated 4 hour goal).
I'm off on Friday to relax and may find a movie for me and the boys as they're off from school that day as well.
Thinking ahead to the future:
Expand workouts to lifting and total body fitness
Become a 'serious' runner
Within these blogs, discuss the loss of my sister 18 years ago.
Posted by
5:53 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
4 Days and Counting...
4 days to go!
The temperature for this morning's run was 57 degrees. I tried to get the feel of race day so I wore a short sleeve shirt and shorts. Sunday's forecast is supposed to be a low of 49, high of 75 and sunny. Overall, a nice day to race, if not a little too warm.
Starting to look at my race time prediction and I really need to do about an 8:20 pace if I want to finish in under 3:44, which was my previous marathon result. As I'm older and heavier, I'm not sure if this is feasible or not. All I can do is carb up, fluid up, relax, pray a little, and most importantly remember to start easy on Sunday. That shouldn't be a problem as I tend to start all the way to the back and be the last across the start line. Since its chip-timed it shouldn't matter. My thoughts are that by starting in the back, it gives me lot of people to pass and use as pace goals.
As predicted yesterday, these 'stupid' meetings make it so hard to eat healthy....M & Ms are always my downfall! Yesterday was bbq for lunch...hard to find very many carbs there! Oh, today is another day!
Posted by
5:56 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
5 Days to Go!
Well, it's Tuesday morning, and I just got back from a 4 mile 'jog'. With 5 days to go, I'm winding things down and starting to carb things up (I'm already sick of water!). Anxiety and nervousness has started to creep in.
I'm still a little upset that:
- I'm 2-3 years older than the last time (as if I can do much about that!) and
- That I'm nearly 20 lbs heavier.
But hopefully, this blog will be the beginning of some serious training for me. I'd like to drop that weight and become more competitive in my running, as well as finally get rid of this gut.
The challenge for this week: Not eating too much 'junk' during the 3 days of meetings!
Posted by
6:00 AM
Monday, October 15, 2007
6 Days and Counting...
This is it, 6 days and counting down to my 1st Columbus Mararthon.
Let's hope I finish!
I'm pretty confident about finishing...right now it should be nearly perfect weather (at least for me). It's breaking or meeting my last marathon time that I'm concerned about!
Posted by
2:48 PM